She LOVES LOVES LOVES to play outside! As the mornings and evenings are cooling down, she BEGS to go out ("Wanna go out-soide...") I think she may have an accent!
She has very sensitive ears...if she hears Jim open the door, she automatically wants to go "out-soide". I think she is also starting to catch on when I spell words instead of just saying them. Can't pull one over on her!
On that same topic, she loves to walk to the park by herself and pull her own little wagon. It cracks us up!
Loves M & M's. Just another bad habit we've started...
She is talking soooo much we can't even believe it! When the cats go near her things, she says, "no kitty cat, it's Hannah's"...
This part I guess I don't love so much...she is still quite the picky eater! Her palate has expanded a bit, but still will NOT eat any fruit or veggies (this includes watermelon and strawberries, which kids are supposed to like). She has finally branched out to juice though, and enjoys her juice box in the afternoon (100% juice, no sugar added--of course!)
When she's eating, mom is NOT allowed to help her put food on her fork. In fact, the food has to be placed on the fork just perfectly or else a whining session follows...
She blows on her ice cream, as if it's hot.
Still prefers to stand in the bath most of the time. Not very safe...hmmm...
She is terrified of flies! It really humorous. She completely freaks out when she sees one.
She is very attached to both mom AND dad nowadays. When one of us leaves the room, she says, "where's dada?" (or mama).
She HAS to have ice in her water (otherwise it's no good!)
She enjoys admiring herself in the mirror (don't know where she got this from...)