Getting close, just not quite there yet.
Instead of a "happy face", this is the "leave me alone" face.
Ooooh, look at that one! Close, but looks quite posed!
Aaaah, now that's a HAPPY face! I love this face!
Mmmm, enjoying a cupcake (and as the mom of a child who until recently wasn't much interested in cupcakes or many other treats, I am the one smiling behind the camera!!!)
Hey, another (almost) smiley face!
Now THAT is a serious smiley face! Wish it weren't so blurry!
Other funnies by Hannah:
Me: Hannah, do you need to go potty?
Hannah: Yes I don't!
Hannah: I wanna watch the eck-you-ers (The Rescuers; one of her newest movie discoveries)
Hannah: No, I'm serious! (more like "see-we-us")
Sometimes Jim and I will sing along with whatever movie she is watching. Her response often goes like this: "No, don't do that..." (she must be tone deaf because Jim and I both have really good voices..)
The other night at bedtime, we laid her down and turned off the light. She quickly sat up and said, "Mama I can't see my eyes! I can't see my eyes!" We just didn't have the heart to tell her that she won't be able to see her eyes unless she is looking in the mirror!
She cracks us up!
She is seriously growing up waaaayyyy toooooo ffaaaaasst!!!