Sunday, December 5, 2010

Santa Santa Santa!!!

I had been debating over whether to take Hannah to see Santa at the mall. On the upside, I could get the cute picture of her sitting on his lap. On the downside, it would be really expensive, we'd probably have to wait in line, and she'd probably freak out and refuse to sit on his lap after waiting all that time.

So, after much debate, I decided to not mess with the mall. Fortunately, Hannah's babysitter had Santa come to her house over the weekend, and all the kids were invited to come visit and sit on his lap! And it was free!

I didn't really think she'd go for it. But somehow, Ms Kris, Hannah's sitter convinced her to sit on his lap! Without tears!!!
He pulled a bracelet out of his bag for her.
She loved admiring her new bracelet!
Now off to a completely different topic...

I had this great idea (at least it seemed like a great idea...) to cover the top of the coffee table with wrapping paper. It's multi-functional. It obviously adds to the decor of the room, but also allows for Hannah to be able to color and use Play-doh on the table without me having to clean up after her. Since she is so in love with Charlie Brown right now, I used the Charlie Brown Christmas paper. Pretty neat, huh?

Here's the problem...

Apparently she didn't quite get the point!!!
She decided that it needed to be unwrapped! Oh boy, so much for my bright idea...

I decided to rewrap it, but this time I had her watch me wrap it. We talked about how Mommy was going to put paper on the table and that Hannah needed to leave it there. So far it has survived the I guess we'll see!!!


NP said...

I'm so glad Hannah got to sit on Santa's lap and that you got some darling pictures. Cracked me up about the wrapping paper :) How about a cheap holiday plastic table cloth ~ at least it won't tear.

robynirish said... are waaayyy smarter than me! I should use a cheap holiday plastic table cloth--let me know if you find a Charlie Brown one. Although, knowing my child, she would somehow find a way to rip it. As of Wednesday, the paper has survived! We'll see what happens this weekend!!!

NP said...

I'm on it ~ don't hold your breath though as I'm not too quick right now :) I am so proud of Hannah not ripping the paper so far. I also thought you could use paper and put a clear plastic tablecloth over it. You maybe could buy some clear stuff from a roll in a fabric shop ~ who knows?????

Cheela said...

How precious she is, Robyn!

Becca said...

SOOO cute, and funny! I don't even put presents under our tree until Christmas eve, because it's just too tempting for Jackson, and the others for that matter!! She just wanted to open something :)!