Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter Sunday 2010

Yes, Yes, I am a few weeks behind...

For Easter we went to church and then to my sister's house for an Easter brunch. After brunch, she and I hid about 100 eggs for the kids to hunt. I was really looking forward to watching Hannah hunt for eggs again. During her first Easter Egg Hunt at school, she went a little crazy and had sooooo much fun finding eggs!

One small problem--my sister has two yellow labs, who, although sweet, have very loud barks and as soon as she heard them barking, wanted nothing to do with hunting for eggs and was pretty much just attached to my hip! (The dogs were in the side yard locked away, out of reach of the kids--but apparently their loud barking was enough).

Here is one shot my sister got of Hannah before Turbo and Thunder started barking...
Photo-op.....nice family pic!
Hannah and Daddy...doesn't her smile almost look FAKE? Is she just posing?
Hannah and mama...why the scared face Hannah? (maybe the dogs were barking again!)
Sisters...our outfits are completely coordinated, and we honestly didn't even plan it! Hot stuff!!!
Cousin Kaden making Hannah laugh hysterically.
Uncle Joel also making Hannah laugh hysterically..take a breath Hannah!
Hannah and Zoey having a quick diaper change. They say women like to go to the bathroom together, so why not a quick diaper change together?
Hey...we're cousins, but in a way we are more like sistas, right? Let's shake on that!


Becca said...

sooooo cute!

NP said...

Those are just precious! I love her little sun hat ~ sorry the dogs scared her. Watching her laugh made me laugh :) LYG, N

Jasmyn said...

Oh I love the pic of the two of them at the end!!