Friday, April 30, 2010

Smart, Sassy, Silly

I am officially the WORST blogging mom. I just can't seem to keep up with everything. I could come up with a zillion excuses, but I'll just leave it at, "I'm always so busy!"

The week before last was a little rough--Hannah was just really fussy, not eating more than two bites at a sitting, coughing a lot, just not herself. I took her to the doctor, and she was just fine--no ear infection, strep throat, or breathing problems--which was good--but didn't explain all of the whining! Until...making her giggle a little showed her third molar coming in! Finally my sweet pea is getting some teeth. She still only has the two front bottom teeth, with a lot of gum in between, then her molars--looks kind of funny! This week has been much better. She has actually gone up to her highchair and reached for it, saying, "I eat." Whew!

In the midst of all this fussiness, Hannah still loved going outside to play. When Jim was putting on her shoes, he kept pretending that he couldn't get it on her foot, which was apparently quite funny to her! She laughed uncontrollably! We took pics of it since she usually isn't very cooperative in the smiling department when it comes to pictures. This was too funny though--if you could only hear her giggles right now!!!
I just love that picture above--look how tan they both look! See any resemblance? ha ha!

We took this as a great photo opportunity and switched spots so that I could "pretend" to not be able to put on her shoe also and get the smiling picture...
This picture was taken a few weeks ago--she came home from the sitter's with a nice "slicked back" hairdo and three little pony tails. I can never get her to sit still long enough for that!
Mommy and Hannah reading the Froggy book. Hannah loves moving the frog--it makes a noise.

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